Have you watched “The Next 12 Days”? In the film, Daniel seems to lean on to alcohol to make his worries and sadness go away but seems like he ended up more than just drinking that night. He was able to speak about things in a clear manner despite his drunken state.
Boys and Gals, as the saying goes, you deserve someone who has plans on marrying you one day.
To further understand the effect of his alcohol intake during the film, here is an explanation on it.
While alcohol can certainly cause people to reveal truths that they wouldn’t otherwise share, especially personal information, also known as oversharing, there’s a lot of science that goes into exactly what is said and why. More importantly, alcohol isn’t a truth serum, and while people can be more open when drunk, there are a lot of factors going into whether what they are saying is true or not.
Several studies have shown that alcohol inhibits neurotransmitters and signals inside the brain, including those responsible for communicating emotional and social processing. What this means is that a person who is severely under the influence, especially those who frequently binge drink, have more difficulty telling emotions apart, are less good at picking up social ques, and less able to process their own emotions.
So, a frequent drinker may experience a strong emotion such as anger or grief or lust and it can seem to hit harder than it would when they are sober. This can explain why people are often more emotional when drunk, especially in tandem with lowered inhibitions.
Inhibitions are often less involved when it comes to singular activities. Therefore, people who are drinking on their own and without a phone are not as likely to exhibit reckless behavior or to be involved in activities that are traditionally associated with drinking (reckless driving, dancing, yelling, fighting, etc.) because inhibition is not lowered in non-social respects.
Inhibited emotional processing means that a person is more likely to respond emotionally. If a person is very drunk and feels that they are being attacked or hurt, they are likely to respond extremely aggressively. This can include blatant lying as the brain uses anything it can as a defense mechanism. This is especially true for addicted individuals who are in self-denial, because they are in a state where they can easily grasp at anything and tell a half-truth to defend themselves. So, if someone is saying something that seems to exonerate them or put the blame on someone else, or even suggests that they aren’t drinking much, it’s likely a blatant falsehood.