Logos of luxury car brand
As usual Filipinos tend to decorate their cars with logos of famous and luxury car brands such as the classic brands known as Mercedes Benz, BMW, Ferrari, and Volvo. Unfortunately not all these stickers are readily available for the Filipino market.
Take the pinoy pride
Some of the Filipino car owners take the Filipino pride in a different level and want to express their nationalism and their love for the country usually pick the "Filipino pride" stickers. This type of sticker has various choices in which there is a perfect combination of three colors red, blue and yellow. This is usually designed in order to align with the Philippine symbols.
Family theme
As we all know Filipinos are known for their hospitality and their immense love for their families and consider it as a great pride. Don't get surprised when you notice numerous cars in the Philippines have white stickers on the rear window, showing all family members and their names. Sometimes it even includes extended relatives and maybe their pets.
Narcissist on board
This sticker is inspired by a fascination of the outer beauty of people. The study shows that 48% of Filipino men are narcissistic and claim that they are “sexy” or “gwapo”. You can find other versions of this funny concept such as “Baby on board” or “Sexy on board” and a lot more. Just know how creative the filipinos are to create such stickers.
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