Clean your vehicle
Nobody wants to ride a dirty car, so you have to make sure that all trash are properly disposed of. Put a garbage can inside the car so everybody should know where to dispose of their trash.
Check your car thoroughly for any persisting issues
Its hard to have some problems while you are driving in NLEX and TPLEX which is more than a hundred kilometer stretch. The most common issues that vehicles encounter are as follows: Flat tire, Overheating and worn out brake pads. Although roadside assistance is available to rescue you it would still cost you money to tow the vehicle to the nearest exit point of a nearby town.
Plan the trip ahead of time
If you are planning to drive from Manila La Union you must understand that this is going to be a very long drive. The calculated distance is approximately 500 kilometers or an 8-hour drive including stopovers.
Be prepared by having assigned a secondary driver just in case the designated driver needs to rest. We want to prevent accidents from happening because the driver fell asleep on the road. Plan your stopovers accordingly by writing down your itinerary. There are a couple of gas stations along NLEX where you could safely park your car and rest for a couple of hours.
Fuel Up
The farther you drive the more expensive gasoline and diesel prices are. So make sure to keep your tank full once you see a relatively low priced gas station.
Check your radiator
Fill your radiator with either a coolant or water to prevent the car from overheating. When a car runs very fast especially when driving on the expressways plus the temperature tends to get very humid and you are using the cars’ air con at the same time so the car engine is having a hard time working. Do not forget to check on the temperature gauge while driving to prevent the vehicle from overheating!
And for your car care and accessory needs visit Blade Auto Center outlets nationwide or shop online at
All the BIGGEST brands are here at the country's LARGEST car accessories chain store, we offer global brands such
as; Sparco, DUB, MicroMagic, Goodyear, Polaroid, Mothers, Pioneer, Pertua, Chupa Chups and many more.