Washing your car for the first time?

We know you’ve been feeling a little bit nervous by this huge step in adulthood. Of course it’s much easier to bring your car to a car wash shop, leave it to their care, pay for the service, then drive back home feeling happy. But as someone who might be beginning to consider his/her finances at this season in life, the expenses on your car care can quite make a difference in your overall budget. So, don’t worry! We have the right and easy steps just for you.


Basics: Car Wash Tools

 Obviously, you will be needing the basic car wash cleaning items – car shampoo, a sponge, a bucket (optional) and a microfiber towel. Using a car shampoo is safer than experimenting on mixing a dishwashing liquid or baking soda. These are not made for washing the surface of your car and might bring damage to your car’s paint.



Rinse your car with clean water. But you can start by cleaning from the inside of your car too. Like taking out the trash, wiping off the dust particles and doing a vacuum on the car seats and floor mats.



After rinsing the exterior of your car, start to wash it with the car shampoo. Use the sponge and start softly scrubbing it using the sponge. Do it from top to bottom so the dirt goes all the way down. Don’t forget to clean the windows and windshields as well. These two parts don’t need rinsing though, just easily wipe the soap off once done.

Rinse Off The Soap

Once you’ve made sure that your car is thoroughly scrubbed and cleansed, rinse it off with clean water. You can use the bucket by filling it with water or the water hose instead - either will do.



Wipe down and dry it by using a microfiber towel. It is extra absorbent than the normal towels and it prevents you from scratching your car while drying.

And for your car care and accessory needs visit Blade Auto Center outlets nationwide or shop online at www.blade.ph 

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