Getting your license usually means you become the family driver. You’ll find yourself having to drive your mom to the grocery or to pick up your little sister from her varsity practice. Sometimes, family members will even go to the length of waking you up just so you can drive them. Regardless of the conditions, you’ve most likely driven your mom to an errand. And most of the time, you’ve been told countless of classic witty punch lines to point that you’ve already memorized them!
Here we list down classic lines our mom tells us when driving.
"Ninenerbiyos ako sa'yo e!"
Leave it to your Filipina mom to say that your driving makes her feel uneasy. She’ll most likely scream and say the classic “yung blood pressure ko” line for you to slow down.
“Wag masyado mabilis!”
Moms usually like it when we drive slow. Since they feel more at ease and safe. But sometimes, they over exaggerate and point out every single hump you pass by.
"Mamaya na yang ka-text mo!"
Your mom will most likely tell you not to hold your phone while you’re in the car. However, this sometimes also applies even before you start driving since you’re still checking Waze to find out which route to follow. So, to avoid a lengthy discussion you’ll probably lose, better introduce Waze to your mom!
"Seatbelt mo!"
Ever get that feeling when you just jumped in the car a second ago then your mom keeps bugging you about wearing a seatbelt? Yep, we’re sure we’ve all been there.
"Masyado kang malapit sa gilid!"
Our moms usually give the best advice. So leave it to them to be your proximity sensors when they hitch a ride with you.
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