6 Things Drivers Should Remember When on the Road


It’s that time of the year again when we honor our dearly departed. If you plan on bringing your car to the cemetery on the day of the dead, you’re in for a ride. To avoid the holiday traffic and parking do’s and don’ts, let us refresh your memory of the basic traffic rules and regulations, lest you find yourself in a viral video being apprehended by traffic enforcers and arguing for your “five minutes!”


  1. Remember the Yellow Lane Rule. Private cars are not allowed to use the yellow lane. You hate buses cutting and swerving, then don’t do it as well. Keep to your designated lane.
  2. Always Stop at stop signs. This is one of the most basic road rules. When everyone wants to get to their destinations, it’s best to just follow what the signs say to avoid unwanted accidents or being issued a violation.
  3.  Follow the Anti-Distracted Driving Law. People seem to have short-term memories. Stop texting and driving and follow the guidelines on where smartphones should be. If you need to take a call, go hands-free. If you’re using the smartphone as your driving recorder, better purchase a dashboard camera. Purchase yours at Blade. Installation is free with all wires neatly tucked.
  4. Never block pedestrian lanes. It’s used by people to walk across the street, not for vehicles to wait for the stop light to turn green.
  5. Know your rights when apprehended by the MMDA.
  • You cannot be apprehended by a group of MMDA enforcers. Only one enforcer can apprehend you, they can’t even stand together even in groups of two or more.
  • You are not required to nor are Traffic Enforcers allowed to ask you to alight from your vehicle while the apprehension is taking place. Most importantly, Traffic Enforcers are not allowed to ask or receive bribe money.
  • You can only be apprehended for swerving – if you swerve in an abrupt and careless manner without use of signals or swerve across solid lines. Swerving is not a traffic violation, it only constitutes as an offense of reckless driving and disregard of traffic signs such as explicitly prohibiting swerving in the area.

During traffic apprehensions, the following can be considered as a valid driver's license:

  • ID Plastic Card
  • DLR / Temporary Driver's License
  • TOP (Temporary Operator's Permit)

International Driver's License

Foreign License

Your driver's license can be confiscated by a Traffic Enforcer ONLY on the following situations:  

      • The driver was involved in a traffic accident,
      • The driver has accumulated three (3) or more unsettled violations,
      • For other traffic violations, go to http://www.mmda.gov.ph/legal-matters.html

When your license is to be confiscated, the Traffic Enforcer should inform you of the reason.  If you refuse even if the Traffic Enforcer has given you the reason your licensed plate may be detached pursuant to Section 74 & 75, MC 89-105.

In case of illegal parking, when will the 5-minute parking rule apply? It applies only to unoccupied illegally parked vehicles. Enforcers are then, as mandated, to sound their car horns to call the car’s driver attention. This means that the driver must fix his car’s parking. If the driver fails to show up five minutes after the MMDA sounded their horn, then the car will be towed. The driver will then be ticketed for the parking violation.


  1. Remember to have a copy of your vehicle's original official receipt (OR) and car registration (CR) in the car always. Your driving license should also be with you. They're important, so don't forget them.


Keep your favorite car scent in tow and download your favorite playlist and play it on the latest head unit. Keep calm and enjoy the weekend.


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